Top 7 Programming Languages to Learn
#1) Java
Originally developed nearly 25 years ago (yes, it’s that old), Java is among the most widely used and recognized programming languages in the world. From television and Blu-Ray players to Android smartphones and desktop computers, it’s used virtually everywhere. According to the company’s official website, more than 3 billion devices run Java, attesting to its widespread popularity.
#2) JavaScript
Not to be confused with Java, JavaScript is another in-demand programming language that’s here to stay. JavaScript was originally designed specifically for use in web design, although it has found its way into other applications. It can now be used to develop Windows applications, cross-platform applications, mobile apps and more.
If you want to learn more about the differences between Java and JavaScript, check out our previous post here.
#3) PHP
We can’t talk about the most popular programming languages without mentioning PHP. This open-source language is loaded with potential, from creating scripts and dynamic page content, to collecting form data and more. According to a study conducted by SimilarTech, PHP is the most widely used framework for building websites, with following in a distant second.
#4) SQL
Although it recently celebrated its 40th birthday, SQL remains a relevant coding language that’s worth learning. It’s classified as a special-purpose programming language, and was designed for use primarily in databases. SQL is widely used as a back-end database, offering enhanced security for data storage.
#5) Ruby on Rails
Also known simply as “Rails,” Ruby on Rails is a website application framework that was first released back in 2005. However, don’t let that fool you into thinking that it can only handle web applications. Much like Java, Ruby on Rails is classified as a general-purpose programming language with a vast array of uses. Some popular web apps that use the framework include Twitter, Hulu, GitHub, KickStarter, and Groupon just to name a few.
#6) C++
Next on our list of the top programming languages to learn is C++ (pronounced cee plus plus). This general-purpose language offers imperative, generic, and object-oriented features, making it incredibly versatile. C++ is used to create video games, applications, video editing software, operating systems, and more. If the software isn’t web-based, there’s a good chance it was coded in C++.
#7) C#
Developed by Microsoft using its .NET framework, C Sharp (C#) is a general-purpose, object-oriented programming language. It’s designed to be clean, modern and portable, with support for software engineering principles like array bounds checking, automatic garbage collection, and strong type checking. C Sharp receives its namesake after the musical notation in which the sharp symbol is used to indicate that the respective note should have a higher pitch.
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