Introduction to Google Go Programming Language

A Brief Introduction to Google Go Programming Language and Why It’s Important

Welcome to Essentials of Google Go—also known as golang—programming language. In this blog, we introduce you to the world of Go programming language and provide you with the big picture concerning this latest and modern programing language.

Are you ready?

Let’s start with the biggest question of them all—what is Google Go Programming language?

Well, the Go as it’s commonly known or Golang is an open-source programming language that was sponsored by Google in 2007. This programming language was developed by Robert Griesemer, Rob Pike, and Ken Thompson, who at the time were working for Google. The Go is a snappy, expressive and concurrent programming language that simplifies development of software systems.

You might be thinking, “is Go programming language for me?”

Well, this programming language was originally meant for C and C++ programmers—it borrows heavily from these two programming languages—who wanted a snappy programming language that’s not only expressive but also supports concurrency. Think of Go as a minimal programming—heavily redacted C and C++—languages that support polymorphism, object orientation, generic programming, and abstraction.

So, if you’re a C or C++ programmer, who would like to learn a programming language that simplifies the coding process, then look no further than the Go programming language.

Why the Go programming language?
Well, the Go programming fundamentally flips the way you’ve been programming. It doesn’t matter whether you’re coming from C, C++, the Python or Ruby programming languages. You’ll find this programming language simple in expressing polymorphism, object orientation, generic programming, and abstraction.

Here are reasons why you should try out this programming language:

#1: It’s a compiled language
In this language, the source codes you that you enter will be reduced to a set of machine-specific instructions before they are saved as executable files. Because of this features, it’s fast since the executable files will run faster compared to other programming languages. But, that’s not all. You can also edit and run the Go codes directly on the web when you use this programming language.

#2: There’s efficient memory management
The Go language is a garbage-collected language. When you use this programming language, you’ll not worry about how memory is being managed since this will be well taken care of. If you’re a Java programmer, you’ll find memory management similar as opposed to C++ programming.

#3: It supports concurrency
The Go language uses go-routines to start concurrent activities and the concept of channels that promotes both communication and synchronization processes. Therefore, it’s easier to implement parallelism in this language than other programming languages.

#4: It’s easier to debug during compilation process
The Go language is a statically-typed language. This makes it possible for you to detect several bugs when you’re compiling your program. Besides, its type inference engine allows you not to mention the variable types explicitly since this can be easily be inferred by the program’s compiler.

#5: Functions are first class objects
It’s easier to use the functions just like you would use the classes. This helps you to create apps that use object orientation principles such as polymorphism and abstraction.

#6: It has documentation as a feature
The Golang has documentation as its standard feature. So, if you’re a developer, you’ll find this language easy to develop human-readable information that’s generated from the source code comments.

#7: It has a rich standard library
Just like C and C++, this programming language has a rich set of standard libraries. In fact, this is the only programming language that has the web server as part of its core libraries.

Congratulations! You have finished the first part of Go programming. Keep up the good spirit. You’re on your way to becoming a professional Golang programmer.


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