8 Tips For a Better Web Development Career
1.Invest in your skills
You need to invest in yourself in order to grow and it doesn’t mean spending money on expensive books and course, it is more of investing your time. There is no shortcut to success and so you should be prepared to put up with late nights exploring other websites and reading web development blogs.
2.Keep your drive
No matter what happens it is important to always keep your drive. A successful developer will put in extra hours to make an amazing product that impresses the manager and clients. Don’t get discouraged when you miss a deadline, instead you rectify and explain why you needed the extra time to finish properly. Slice a segment of your work-day and dedicate it to learning new things in your field. Find out what is new, what is trending and what is falling to the wayside and apply them in your projects when applicable. This helps you be up to date with technology and makes you valuable to potential employers.
3.Evaluate your own work and get feedback
Being able to accept and implement feedback effectively is an important trait of creative professionals, having a good eye in pointing out mistakes in your own is quite an impressive quality that success-oriented web designers should have. Furthermore, taking sometime to have other people check your work for mistakes is also a great idea.
4.Gain experience
Find someone, a mentor for instance with more experience than you and is keen to help you grow. It could be your boss, someone online you follow or colleague. A good mentor will advice on your project approach, give you a sense of direction and also help you foresee any potential roadblocks.
5.Don’t say no to everything
Saying no to everything and only doing things you are familiar with essentially closes the door for personal and career development. Each project is a great way to implement something you are not familiar with and also there is always a first time in everything you do. Exploring the unknown gives you a great feeling of achievement, satisfaction and will keep you hungry to learn new things.
6.Be curious
New tools, techniques and languages are being released on a daily basis; it is therefore important that you stay open to all the new things and try to understand them.
7.Be able to sell yourself
It is a small and competitive world where only the fittest survive. In order to stand out in a competition, let people know you and your skills. When it comes to professional success you have to make your way to the top and mark your presence by either word of mouth marketing, social media marketing or even business card marketing.
8.Effective communication skills
Effective communication is one of the most essential skills, it is especially important in web design where communicating with a client can dictate the success of the project. When it comes to presenting yourself and selling your work, you have to be bold and clear in communication with your client.