5 Reasons to Learn CSS

Whether you’re an aspiring web designer, an experienced project manager/marketeer, a small business owner or an expert software developer, you need a knowledge of CSS.

What is CSS, we hear (some of you) ask?

If you don’t know the answer, then you DEFINITELY need CSS. But first, let us tell you what it does. CSS, or Cascading Style Sheets, essentially control the look and feel of your website. They describe how HTML elements are to be displayed on a screen. Basically they make websites look awesome, from colours to layouts to fonts and pretty much everything else you can think of.

Any professional that has anything to do with the web, however indirect or tenuous the link may be (like a small business owner whose company has a single page, informational website). But why? Well, here are five pretty big reasons to start with…

1. Modifying or Redesigning your Website

These days if someone is looking for information, the first place they turn to is Google. That means if you want people to be able to find your company, event, or whatever, you need a home on the web. Most people have already figured this out and spent a chunk of cash getting a web designer to create a flashy, super cool website – which is probably a good idea! When it comes to small fixes like, say, updating your contact information however, a little knowledge of CSS can easily give you the skills to do this yourself. CSS also makes redesigning websites a much easier task – with a simple colour or font change, you can dress up your homepage for a special occasion like a holiday greeting. Pre-built WordPress themes won’t know what hit them.

2. Getting into Mobile or Animation

CSS3, the most recent overhaul, took things to a whole new level. As well as design CSS can now be used to create interactive user interfaces – including web animations. There’s no need for JavaScript, programming expertise or browser plug-ins (although you can still do things that way if you’re so inclined); you can add this finesse to any site with the magic of CSS.

With people spending more and more time on their mobile devices than any other platform, it’s imperative that a website is not only optimised for mobile, but maintains a flawless aesthetic and function too. CSS allows designers to present their look and feel consistently as well as effortlessly on the full spectrum of devices, from android to iPhone and beyond. You know the term ‘responsive design?’ CSS is what makes that happen.

3. Earning or Saving Money

From a non-design or non-development perspective (business owners or marketers, for example), knowing even a little bit of CSS can help save you money. As we mentioned before, you won’t have to throw cash at web developers any time you need something small and trivial fixed on your site. But on the other side of the coin, anyone in a tech-related job can earn some extra dough on the side with CSS. You can pick up freelance work for supplementary income, or you can boost your resume and skill credentials by adding CSS to your toolbox. This in turn will enable you to command a higher salary in a new full-time job, or take the next step up the career ladder in your current role.

4. Improving Communication with Developers

Even if you don’t become all that proficient in CSS, knowing how it works in the greater context of the web is vastly useful. By understanding what it’s capable of and how the process works, you can connect with web designers, graphic designers and web developers on a much more meaningful level. That in turn means your projects will get off the ground faster, problems can be solved more efficiently, stakeholders will be happier, and better communication will flow all around. If you don’t have a background in tech, this is an especially good thing. Showing that you can relate to your team means they’ll return the favour and make a greater effort to understand and meet your needs. It’s win win!

5. Progressing your Coding Skills

CSS is a web standard. It works on any platform and any device. And despite what some people may say, it’s easy to use once you know how. So if you want to do anything web development-related, a knowledge of CSS is vital in helping you understand everything else. The same goes for anything front-end related. That’s why CSS is the perfect starting point for new programmers and the perfect jumping-off point for learning advanced programming languages (like Python, Ruby, JavaScript, etc.). It’s the best place to start if you want to go anywhere!

If you’re interesting in learning CSS, we have a range of courses for all expertise levels and all disciplines. Find out more here: http://stoneriverelearning.com/courses?query=css

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