5 Programming Languages That Will Earn You the Most Money

Programming knowledge is invaluable, and learning new and existing technologies can result in great opportunities and success. Even though money is not the only criteria to measure success and growth, there is no denying the fact that a good salary is always a major factor in deciding our future plans. With so many programming languages out there, and each holding its own unique features and characteristics, the question ‘Which language should I become an expert in?’ may have crossed your mind. Therefore, we decided to help you with this list of 5 programming languages that pay the most money. Even though these 5 languages has had higher rankings in terms of income generation, choosing a programming language also depends a lot on how much you enjoy working with it and exactly what you need your code to do.

With so many client-server web applications preferring JAVA over the other languages, it is only just that the programming language has established itself amongst the top in both income generation and popularity indexes. Further, the popularity index ensures that JAVA is here to stay in the top half for the foreseeable future.

2. Objective C
Object Oriented Programming works in cohesion with other programming languages, and it won’t an exaggeration to say that in the company of Objective C, the features of other programming languages blossom and reach a whole new level. Its high application and no virtual boundaries, opens the doors to N number of opportunities. It is only just that Objective C features in this list of Top 5 programming languages that pay the most.


Did You Know?
Did you know that while Objective C has long been used to develop iOS apps, Apple has developed a new language called Swift that will replace Objective C moving forward? In a few years we may actually see Swift at the top of this list instead of Objective C. If you’re new to programming, skip learning Objective C and move right on to learning Swift.

3. Ruby
Even though it is still early days for Ruby in the field, but the numbers that this programming languages has staked up are staggering. With limited popularity as compared to other languages like Java or PHP, it is amusing how Ruby has bypassed numerous programming languages to sit amongst the top income generators. Its exceptional features and growing demand promises that this is just the beginning and there is a lot more to come from Ruby.

4. Python
Python’s ease of use and user friendly nature is reflected in its popularity and helps the language to rack up the sums for those who gain expertise in it. Python finds great utility as a scripting language and has added advantage as it works in great cohesion with new and rapidly emerging technologies like Hadoop and AWS.

5. Javascript
Having a list of programming languages with most popularity and revenue creation and not having Javascript in it would have left the list incomplete, therefore, here it comes, the usual suspect, the programming language that stands tall, right on the top of the popularity index, the programming language that has undergone a complete overhaul and has improved for then good with the addition of the Node.js and other features to its already illustrious cabin.


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